Monday, June 23, 2008

T.S Eliot

It was quite interesting to find out that T.S Eliot was born in America, because all the other authors we’ve read were from Europe. In his poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” he is writing of a man who is extremely and insecure and self conscience about himself. He describes a place where he hangs out at night in the first few lines, which don’t seem really good places to be, like “one0night cheap hotels, and saw dust restaurants with oyster-shells.” He describes how he is concerned with what people think of him. He is also unsure of himself when it comes to woman, for he ask himself repeatedly, “Do I dare? And do I dare?” He begins picking apart how he looks, like mentioning his flaws such as how he’s balding. He wasn’t born great like “Hamlet” or a “prophet” but he’s just probably like any other man in the world who isn’t confident in himself. At least he realizes he’s average, and not great like Prince Hamlet. If he builds a little bit more self confidence, then maybe he would not put himself down as much.

1 comment:

Jonathan.Glance said...


OK remarks on Prufrock, but not much depth of discussion of Eliot's poem. Also, not a lot of cohesion apparent in this post--it is not clear what relevance, if any, the first sentence has with the rest of the post.